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On April 13th, the Tax Administration Service (SAT), released the new anticipated version of the miscellaneous tax rules (on its first resolution for 2018), and its appendix 1A. The miscellaneous rules provide the disposition 3.9.18, which grants an extended deadline to June 30, 2018, to file the transfer pricing informative return (appendix 9, operations with
Today, March 23, 2018, The Tax Administration Service (SAT) published the anticipated version of the miscellaneous rule 3.9.18, of the first resolution of the modifications to the current miscellaneous resolution, which notifies taxpayers who opted out to presenting their statutory tax return, and are required to submit informational returns for operations with related parties resident
The Mexican Federation of Economists published the first national list of certified transfer pricing profesionals. The transfer pricing certification in Mexico was developed by the Federation of Economists, which was assisted by audit, tax, legal and transfer pricing firms. It is worth mentioning that our firm, after the examination applied by the Federation, got a